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Diesel generator set is new or old

Views: 0     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2015-04-10      Origin: Site

First, newDiesel generator setsWith the old generator set, its fuel consumption is different. The fuel consumption of the new generator set is much lower. Because of the machine

After the use time is long, the various wear increases, and fuel consumption will of course increase. After the use time is long, the cost of oil can reach the cost of buying new generators.

Second, the new diesel generator sets are different from the old generator sets in the warranty. The new is the whole machine warranty, no matter which part has a quality problem, it is

With warranty. And the old generator set, although some second-handers will promise to warranty, but there will be various problems when specific warranty, some are unpaid, even this machine

It is not easy to use at all, but more waste.

Urumqi Cummins Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd.
Urumqi Cummins Electromechanical Equipment Co., Ltd.
a professional production of generators.
Dieselgenerators Diesel generator setsManufacturers, Supply Cummins generator sets, Yuehai generator sets, Yuchai generator sets.
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